About Us

Berlin TXL - Urban Tech Republic and the Schumacher Quartier

The former Berlin-Tegel Airport is making room for Berlin. A research and industrial park for urban technologies is being built on the 500-hectare site: Berlin TXL – Urban Tech Republic and a new residential district: the Schumacher Quartier; in addition, a landscape area is being developed by Grün Berlin.

The state of Berlin has commissioned Tegel Projekt GmbH with the development and management of Berlin TXL – Urban Tech Republic and the Schumacher Quartier. The state-owned company employs 76 people. Among other things, they are involved in planning the building construction and the technical, energy and transport infrastructure, construction and site management, as well as marketing the space and communicating the project to the public.

The grounds were handed over to Tegel Projekt GmbH in August 2021. When the preparatory actions are complete, excavation and restructuring work will be able to begin in 2022. The finalization of the first construction phase In the Urban Tech Republic and in the Schumacher Quartier is planned for 2027 as is also the case with the completion of a major portion of the building refurbishments.

Members of the Supervisory Board of Tegel Projekt GmbH

Christian Gaebler | Vorsitzender

Senator für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen

Dr. Severin Fischer | Stellvertretender Vorsitzender

Staatssekretär; Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe

Britta Behrendt | Mitglied

Staatssekretärin für Klimaschutz und Umwelt; Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher und Klimaschutz

Stefan Frauenstein | Mitglied

Referatsleiter I G Grundsatzangelegenheiten Liegenschaften, Wiedervereinigungsrecht; Senatsverwaltung für Finanzen

Florian Hauer | Mitglied

Staatssekretär für Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten und Internationales; Bevollmächtigter des Landes Berlin beim Bund; Senatskanzlei

Dr. Henry Marx | Mitglied

Staatssekretär für Wissenschaft und Forschung; Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit und Pflege

Korinna Stephan | Mitglied

Bezirksstadträtin für Stadtentwicklung; Bezirksamt Reinickendorf von Berlin

Sebastian Stietzel | Mitglied

Präsident IHK Berlin

Code of Conduct of Tegel Projekt GmbH

We are the team at Tegel Projekt GmbH and cultivate a corporate culture in which mutual respect, fairness, loyalty, professionalism and responsibility are practised. This Code of Conduct reflects the principles that are intended to ensure ethically and legally correct behaviour at all times.

We are planning and realising one of the largest and most ambitious urban development projects in Europe. We are committed to the vision of Berlin TXL, are aware of our special responsibility and are committed, competent and reliable in fulfilling our tasks every day. Mutual loyalty and good collegial co-operation are prerequisites for achieving our goals together.

We are all bound to confidentiality and secrecy. We protect our own and other people’s business secrets and handle both internal information and personal data with care.

Fairness is important to us. That is why we attach particular importance to legally impeccable business practices and compliance with internal rules when working with our contractual partners. Each of our decisions must be traceable and verifiable at all times. Our information, control and documentation system as well as the principle of dual control ensure the necessary transparency.

All our official actions are orientated exclusively towards the corporate purpose of Tegel Projekt GmbH. We avoid conflicts between business tasks and our purely personal interests wherever possible. Our anti-corruption guidelines and other regulations set out how we deal with donations. We immediately disclose even the appearance of a conflict of interest.

For us, diversity in any form is enriching and conducive to creative and innovative work. We therefore cultivate mutual appreciation and respect – regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual identity or orientation, religious, ideological and political beliefs. This does not release us from our duty of party-political neutrality and objectivity in the fulfilment of our tasks.

If we have any concerns or questions about these rules of conduct, we can contact our respective line manager or the Compliance Officer.


Tegel Projekt GmbH

Urban Tech Republic, Gebäude V
Flughafen Tegel 1
13405 Berlin