Tegel Projekt GmbH
Urban Tech Republic, Gebäude V
Flughafen Tegel 1
13405 Berlin
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Contact us
Our team of experts is on hand to answer any questions you have.
Central office
Executive Office
Gudrun Sack | CEO
Frank Wolters | Managing Director
Office Management and HR
Dagmar Strauß
Applicant Management & Recruiting
Lars Bode
Design and Development
Tasks: Urban planning, building construction, outdoor facilities
Nicolas Novotny | Director
Site Management
Tasks: Sales, Investor Relations, Marketing, PR, Community, Infocenter
Bernhard Hildebrand | Director
Public Relations
Constanze Döll
Tasks: Renting, property inquiries
Sales team
Event and location inquiries
Jens Weisheit
Information and inquiries about the Infocenter Berlin TXL
Guided tours
Asset Management, Smart Utilities and Infrastructure
Tasks: Real estate management, smart grid/smart city
André Stumpf | Director
Responsibilities: Finances, Controlling, Law, IT
Nico Reistel | Director
Public development & controlling
Tasks: Planning and construction of the technical and traffic infrastructure
Nils-Fredrik Reinhold
External Compliance Officer
Frau Rechtsanwältin Dr. Stefanie Lejeune
Deputy: Herr Rechtsanwalt Dr. Alexander von Negenborn
Tauentzienstraße 11
10789 Berlin
T +49 30 25 79 75 00 0
F +49 30 25 79 75 00 5