

Tegel Projekt GmbH

Urban Tech Republic, Gebäude V
Flughafen Tegel 1
13405 Berlin

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Contact us

Do get in touch if you have any questions. Please use our contact form.
We process personal data, in particular your e-mail address, in order to process your contact request. Further information on processing and your rights can be found in our data protection information


Our team of experts is on hand to answer any questions you have.

Central office

Executive Office

Gudrun Sack | CEO

Frank Wolters | Managing Director

Office Management and HR

Dagmar Strauß

Applicant Management & Recruiting

Lars Bode

Design and Development

Tasks: Urban planning, building construction, outdoor facilities

Nicolas Novotny | Director

Site Management

Tasks: Sales, Investor Relations, Marketing, PR, Community, Infocenter

Bernhard Hildebrand | Director

Public Relations

Constanze Döll


Tasks: Renting, property inquiries

Sales team

Event and location inquiries

Jens Weisheit


Information and inquiries about the Infocenter Berlin TXL

Guided tours


Asset Management, Smart Utilities and Infrastructure

Tasks: Real estate management, smart grid/smart city

André Stumpf | Director


Responsibilities: Finances, Controlling, Law, IT

Nico Reistel | Director

Public development & controlling

Tasks: Planning and construction of the technical and traffic infrastructure

Nils-Fredrik Reinhold

External Compliance Officer

Frau Rechtsanwältin Dr. Stefanie Lejeune
Deputy: Herr Rechtsanwalt Dr. Alexander von Negenborn

Tauentzienstraße 11
10789 Berlin
T +49 30 25 79 75 00 0
F +49 30 25 79 75 00 5